Saturday, September 23, 2017


The stars that twinkle on a moonless night

Longing for its serene radiance

Yet flickering bright

Drops of rain that trickle down a leafy stem

Long after the rains have gone

Yet reminiscing them

The waves that crash, kissing the shore

Pulling away instantly

Yet returning evermore

A rose once ambrosial, full of fragrance

Tucked amongst pages

A distance recall of evanescence

A love long lost, but without regrets

The heart cherishes its memories

And its sweet secrets!

The yearning

The carpeted Earth

Oh, so beautiful

Lushness of viridity

A sight so bountiful

Drops of dew

Glistening in the morning light

Like pearls and diamonds

Shining bright

The vista calls on to me

Like a beloved beckons her beau

Oh, how I yearn for the verdant outdoors

Far, far away from the urbanized electric glow!

Everything in my stride

I cry, I crib

When faced with the unfavourable

Sometimes all I do is write it down and squib

When life throws a predicament

And demands an act

I put in all of my efforts for the best precipitant

Often times I pray

When life gets tougher

For all of the hitches to simply go away

But then I realize

That existence is no smooth ride

And with no anomalies it simply wouldn’t materialize

So, I take on everything in my stride

For what would a lifetime be

If all spiritless and over simplified!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Questioning what love is? Look at your mother!

Haven’t we all felt the feeling of being in love? Some of us have been fickle enough to think that they’ve felt the emotion over and over again. While, some of us have felt it only once, deeply and unrequitedly. Some of us have been lucky to have felt it and received it in return. But all through being in the emotion, haven’t we all questioned what exactly is love at some point of time or the other? Despite the question, how many of us have really been able to fathom what exactly is love? Very few of us, I guess. But I believe it’s plain and simple to see. Every time you land up asking yourself, “What is love?”, look at your mother or for that matter, look at yourself if you are a mother!

Mother’s throughout all living species, especially humans, easily set the best examples of lovers. How they, without any judgements and expectations, nurture, care and nourish!

Right from the time a woman becomes aware of her motherhood, she takes to making sacrifices, be it giving up on her caffeine intake or quitting a bad habit, like smoking or drinking. She tries to do her best in trying to understand what the little person coming into her life is going to be like; through reading up books, taking advise from doctors, family and friends or even talking to complete strangers. She gets to making arrangements to welcome the little stranger to the best of her knowledge and abilities; keeping herself healthy to be able to nourish the new born and setting up things around the house to make the tiny newcomer comfortable. It’s love even before first sight! And finally, when she holds her baby for the first time, no matter how intense a labour she might have been through, all of her exhaustion and pain disappears. All she feels is extreme euphoria and deep love. Thus, begins her journey of motherhood, the journey of pure and pious, forever love!

All throughout her life as a mother, all she expects is for her child to be happy. In their happiness lies hers. She goes to lengths to see a smile on her child’s face. But at the same time, her love is also correcting and nurturing. She sometimes, nags and sometimes punishes, but even at the core of her nagging and punishing, lies love, for she only wants her child to learn to fend and care for themselves for she shall not remain in their lives to do that forever. As her little one grows, her struggles and concerns only increase but she continues to love and nurture unwaveringly. Many a times, she suffers disappointments from her child but she continues loving nonetheless. She always forgives and never judges.

Never will you ever hear of a mother giving up on her child for having fallen out of love with them, because her love for her child is undying! Such is love in its purest of forms. But, of course, it’s impossible to love another so as a mother does. However, for those looking for inspiration on how to love and for those questioning what love is, a mother’s love is the best example for it is love at its pinnacle and it is love in all its glory!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Happy Loving and Happy Valentine’s!

Valentine’s day is just around the corner and love has definitely been the topic of discussion since the past few weeks. While, I don’t really celebrate this day with expensive gifts or special outings with my loved one, I am not really anti Valentine’s Day either. Nothing wrong with keeping a day to celebrate love. We are supposed to love and profess it every day; adversaries might say. But then, if we are supposed to do it every day why not do it on this day as well instead of going all anti against it? So, here’s wishing everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day and here are five pointers on how we can actually celebrate this day without all the stress and hullabaloo around it.
 Photo by Susanne Nilsson, 
1.       Keep it simple

Do simple little acts of love. A special day doesn’t have to be expensive or an extravagant affair. A few extra hugs when you wake up in the morning, a few love notes through the day, a home cooked meal with items your partner loves or that one task they have been asking you to take up but you’ve been procrastinating forever; I’m sure all of us have a few of them piled up.  
2.       Don’t expect anything in return
After you’ve done all that you want to for your partner, simply, don’t expect anything in return. After all, isn’t true love all about giving? Most of the problems in all of our relationships would come to an end, the day we stopped expecting and although it seems difficult to do that, if you truly loved someone, you’d know that it isn’t as hard either.

3.       Cherish the sacrifices you’ve made for each other
Valentine’s Day, if you actually go to see is celebrated to honour the life - sacrifice of St. Valentine of Rome during the second century. As legend goes, he was imprisoned for conducting marriage rites of Christian soldiers who were persecuted and forbidden from getting married, thus making him the patron saint for those in love. So, to commemorate his sacrifice, you could remind yourself of all the sacrifices your partner and you have made for each other. Prize them, for they are the acts that have kept you together and going.

4.       Don’t forget the others in your life
While Valentine’s Day is only associated with romantic love, there’s always enough love in our hearts to spread more. So, spread the love, spread it to your parents, siblings, children, friends, colleagues, students and everyone else in your life, whose presence you value. Wish them and remind them that you care for and treasure them. While, we should be expressing such feelings often, we hardly ever do. So, take the time out and convey it to them on this day. Last but not the least remind yourself that you love you and will always do!

5.       Continue loving and showing love on the 15th, 16th, 17th and every day thereafter
Once the day is gone, don’t stop expressing love. Do it every single day and get yourself, your partner and everyone around you used to it. Love deeply and truly, every day, every hour and every minute for love doesn’t need just one day for expression, it needs to be cherished and nurtured every day!